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A member registered Oct 17, 2018

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I cannot express how fascinated and interested I was in this story! Usually I don't like story games but this feels extremely well made and executed. I hope you create more high quality and great games like these. Best of luck!

Superb game concept! I love how you removed the jump function making us use the rewind feature. very simplistic yet effective. Really well polished too.

Extremely solid music. I think the player was a little slow but it was enjoyable nonetheless. Although I think you should lower the difficulty a little bit and explain the weapons and drop system more on the first level.

(1 edit)

Really cool game! I really liked how  used the mechanics and levels they were very creative! I think some things that could be better is the UI It feel its a bit to big. You can also improve the way you introduce mechanics. Instead of all the mechanics in the middle of the screen maybe implement it into the level and put it in bite sized chunks.

Hey this game is actually really good. It's a really good Idea (something I could never think of) I was blown away on how you used the debug code signs as obstacles. Great Work!